Aleppo Journal
The association Freunde der Altstadt von Aleppo e.V. (Friends of the Old City of Aleppo) publishes yearly a magazine called Aleppo Journal.
Due to the unstable situation in Syria and especially in Aleppo after the war and earthquake, with the lack of networking and communication under these conditions, the association would like to strengthen and maintain the connection to its members. The annual print entitled “Aleppo Journal” is published to inform members about what is happening in Aleppo. This journal is intended to establish a connection between the members and the events in Aleppo. By regularly passing on information from and about the old city, the bond between the members and the association becomes visible.
When planning the current journal with different reports about the Old City of Aleppo, we tried to summarise the activities for the reconstruction in Aleppo in the last decades – without setting priorities. There are regularly numerous contributions from different countries, such as Germany, the USA, Turkey and Italy, as well as several reports directly from Syria, especially from Aleppo.
The continuation of the journal series is planned with focus topics to cover the whole issue of reconstruction such as the intangible culture and social life of the people – both the locals and the new settlers and returnees. We would also like to report more on the reconstruction activities on the ground and the current situation in Aleppo. We hope that this journal will become a helpful resource for the reconstruction of the Old City in the future.