Our association was and is involved in various publications.
A selection can be found here:
Publications marked * are available as print or good resolution via the association, upon request.
>> The association Freund der Altstadt von Aleppo e.V. (Friend of the Old City of Aleppo) publishes a magazine called “Aleppo Journal” once a year.
>> BTU Ausstellung “Urban Cultural Heritage in the Middle East – 5000 years of urban structures” (2020). The association is involved in developing the maps with expertise of its members. To view the maps click here.
>> “Ein Forscher zwischen den Kulturen” (2020) Commemorative publication for Heinz Gaube, co-founder of the association, on his 80th birthday, with contributions by members of the association and long-time companions. On the publisher’s website you will find the following reading sample.*
>> Commemorative publication “The Old City of Aleppo in Transition – Insights, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction. In Memory of Adli Qudsi.” | “The Old City of Aleppo in Transition – Insights, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction. In Memory of Adli Qudsi.” (2020). Table of contents and reading sample of the commemorative publication (on the publisher’s website).*
The Arabic translation can be found here.*
>> “Nach der Stunde Null – aus Nachkriegserfahrungen für Syrien lernen? Denkmalpflege, Archäologie und Städtebau als internationale Aufgabe” (2019). The association is involved with expertise of its members. More info about the publication can be found here.
>> Research project “Urban Cultural Heritage in the Middle East – Old City of Aleppo” (ongoing). The association is involved with expertise of its members. More information about the research project can be found here.
To view the Aleppo map (2017-2020) click here.
>> Toolkit “Recover Urban Heritage” (2018-2019). The association is participating with expertise from its members. To view the toolkit, click here.
>> “Scenarios for Post-War Reconstruction in Aleppo” Documentation (2016). Members of the association were involved in the organization and with content contributions to the IUSD Workshop at the Istitute for International Urbanism (SIIU) of the University of Stuttgart. To view the documentation, click here.
>> “Strategies to rebuild Aleppo” (2016), edited by members of the association. To view, click on Table of contents und Reading sample via publisher’s website.*
>> “DIE ALTSTADT VON ALEPPO Strategien für den Wiederaufbau” Documentation of the conference (2015) at ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin. To view the documentation click here.
>> The Aleppo Archive – A place for the memory of Urban History (2012) in cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit. For a low-res version click here. *
>> MYAL My Aleppo (2011, edited 2015) in cooperation with Esefeld and Traub Edition*
>> “Aleppo Urban Historic Archive” (2010) in city magazine “Alepposcope”. A portrait of the archive project in Aleppo, supported by the association.
>> Trialog Journal (various issues). Members of the association have drawn attention to the history and initiatives in the old town in the following
> Trialog No. 79 “Tourism and Development” (2003, pages 16ff.) by members Meinolf Spiekermann and Anette Gangler. To view the article click here.
> Trialog No. 53 “Das Hofhaus im vorderen Orient – Ein traditioneller Bautyp und seine Veränderungen im heutigen Syrien” (1997, pages 5ff.). To view the article click here.
> Trialog No. 40 “Islamische Altstädte” (1994). Published with members of the association. To view the issue click here.