Title of the publication: “The Old City of Aleppo in Transition – Insights, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction. In memory of Adli Qudsi.”
The founder of the rehabilitation project of the Old City of Aleppo, Adli Qudsi, has died on 22.01.2018 died in a tragic traffic accident in Mersin, Turkey. He has with prudence, patience and expertise in the 1980s of the last century, developed the rehabilitation project in the 1980s and accompanied it for many years. He also understood how to place this process on an international level: The recognition of the Old City of Aleppo as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the involvement of extensive financial sources such as the World Bank, Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, cooperation with GTZ (now GIZ) and the Aga Khan Foundation. He was the founder of our partner association in Aleppo „Friends of the Citadel of Aleppo“.
Shortly after Adli Qudsi‘s death, the board of the association decided to dedicate a commemorative publication to him. We succeeded to win a number of colleagues and companions as well as some “Aleppofriends” for this book.
The price per book is 20,- EURO (plus 3,- EURO shipping costs within Germany). members of the association benefit from the discount price of 10,- EURO per item plus shipping.
Please place your order via our association’s email address info[at]
or via mail to Freunde der Altstadt von Aleppo c/o Fansa, Veteranenstr. 25, 10119 Berlin.
Upon ordering, kindly transfer the amount per item plus shipping costs to the following account:
IBAN: DE19 6002 0100 0000 0060 33
BIC: Schwäbische Bank A. G.
The commemorative publication is financed by the association and some members.
To honor the life work of Adli Qudsi, we are not only interested in the sale of the edition, but also in the distribution of this publication. You can make an important contribution to this.